Thursday 20 July 2017



1. Dalton(1808) : Discovery of atom
2. Julius Plucker (1859) : First discoverer of cathode rays
3. Goldstein(1886) : Discovered anode rays and proton
4. Sir.J.J.Thomson(1897) : Discovered electron and determined charge/mass(e/m)                                                                 ratio for electron
5. Rutherford(1891) : Discovered nucleus and proposed atomic model
6. MaxPlanck(1901) : Proposed quantum theory of radiation
7. RobertMillikan(1909) : Determined charge of an electron
8. H.G.J.Mosely(1913) : Discovered atomic number
9. Niels Bohr(1913) : Proposed a new model of atom
10. Clark Maxwell(1921) : Electromagnetic wave theory
11. de-Broglie(1923) : Established wave nature of particles
12. Pauli(1927) : Discovery of neutrino
13. Werner Heisenberg(1927) : Uncertainty Principle
14. James Chadwick(1932) : Discovery of neutron
15. Anderson(1932) : Discovery of positron
16. Fermi(1934) : Discovered antineutrino
17. Hideki Yukawa(1935) : Discovered mesons
18. Segre(1955) : Discovered antiproton
19. Cork and Association(1956) : Discovered antineutron

Created By Manjeet Singh...

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Explanation | Booting of Computer – Warm and Cold Booting | Learn About Computers |

Hello Everyone, Am Manjeet Singh and Today we will Discuss About  Booting of Computer – Warm and Cold Booting...  So Let's Start... ...