Wednesday 19 July 2017

Dual Property Of An Electron Louis de Broglie Postulates, Chemistry Study Material, Explained...


In case of light, some phenomena like interference, diffraction etc., can be
explained if light is supposed to have wave character. However certain other
phenomena such as black body radiation and photo electric effect can be explained
only if it is believed to be a stream of photons i.e., has particle character. Thus
light is said to have a dual character. Such studies on light were made by Einstein
in 1905.

Louis de Broglie, a French Physicist, in 1924, advanced the idea that like
photons, all material particles such as electron, proton, atom, molecule, a piece
of chalk, a piece of stone or iron ball possessed both wave character as well as
particle character. The wave associated with a particle is called a matter wave.

Created By Manjeet Singh...

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Hello Everyone, Am Manjeet Singh and Today we will Discuss About  Booting of Computer – Warm and Cold Booting...  So Let's Start... ...